Monday, September 28, 2009

A Contest as promised...

Here it is, just as I promised...tada your contest in honor of all of the great friends I have made at OHIH.
It's very simple, with the holidays right around the corner, who couldn't use a little help? Just leave a comment with your favorite thing to prepare for the holidays. It doesn't matter if it's cookies, candy, dessert, main dish you get the picture. The contest will be open until next Monday night, at which time I will pick a winner. Either by choosing my favorite, or So comment away!
Wait, what are we playing for you ask? The prize package consists of 2 bottles of Victoria Secret lotion, Amber Romance and Sweet Daydream, and a handmade apron. Yes, handmade by yours truely, out of denim and Mary Engelbreit fabric.
So enter away, You have until next Monday night.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Where Am I...and HOW DID I GET HERE!!

I'll just begin this story, in January of 2008. We, (now husband and I) had just moved into this great condo in our hometown. Hubby was working his tail of fixing up, and rennovating this place. The previous tennant had left such a filthy mess, something had to be done. We both were working in the automotive industry, which wasn't looking good at all. The rumor mill was a whirlwind of nonstop talk. There was talk of salary cut backs, and also hourly staff layoffs. He was a salaried engineer, and I an hourly assembly person. With all of this talk going on "J" decided to put in a few calls to the many recruiters he has, in search of a new job, just in case. He landed a job interview in SanAntonio, TX, and was offered a job. This was just WAY TO FAR for me to move from my family. It would have been a 21 hour trip one way. At this point we weren't in dire straights so we were'nt to concerned at this point, about turning down the job offer. Just a short time later, about mid May he gets a call from a company in Illinois, wanting to interview him. J went for the first interview, it went rather well, he came home not having any expectations. A few days later we get a call from this company saying they want to do a second interview, J's response was no problem, but the catch is I have to bring my wife this time. I can't ask her to move half way across the country without her even seeing where we would be living. So here came the first of several trips to the midwest. The interview went great, the company made an offer the following Monday, said they would move us, and help us locate a place to live. Needless to say, we made two, yes two trips ourselves in hopes of finding a place to live. Boy were those trips a waste of time, effort, and money! We seriously though that we were going to have to live in a hotel until we found something. At the last minute we got a phone call from the HR Manager of this company saying that they had found a house for us. We were SO relieved. HA....not knowing the worst was yet to come.

So it's Friday, June 13th, 2008. Yes, that's right, Friday the 13th!! Should have known!! I was done working on the 11th, hubs done on the 12th, we were ready and wainting for the movers to show up. Finally, they show up and get to work. Now you want to see something crazy, watch movers empty a house, and pack it up into a truck in a matter of a few hours!! The movers were gone, with all of our worldly, and not so wordly possesions to a land far off. J and I were going to stay at my parents that night, have breakfast in the morning and head out. As our new place wasn't really going to be in move in condition until then.

Fast forward to early Saturday morning, J went to do a few last minute things at the old place, I stayed at the parents to pack the last of our things in the back of our SUV. My sister beside me, we pack the last of our things in the SUV I'm on my hands and knees, put my left foot down to get out of the SUV, and WHAM, out I go! I land on my back, get up oh so fast, swearing like a sailor (because I do on occasion) at the pain. My sister is laughing, calling me our loving names we have for each other, and I now have this really, really bad feeling. Just then J somes back and wants to know whats going on, same time as my parents. I tell them just a little accident...yeah right. Short version coming....I sent everyone to breakfast while my sister took me to the hospital. I spent the rest of the morning, and early after noon being told my foot was BADLY broken, and there wasn't a thing that they could do until the swelling went down. As luck would have it, I already had a foot specialist, so we set up an appointment for Monday morning at 8:30am.

J had to leave for our new place, and start work on Monday. We said our goodbyes, and he was off. I was just looking forward to having my foot fixed Monday morning. Boy was I mistaken. We see the specialist on Monday. His words, you have 2 choices, I can fix this but you have to commit to staying another 8 to 12 weeks, or you can go on your way find another doctor and have  it fixed there. Either way you are in for the long haul. We left that afternoon, crutches, walker, and wheelchair, and PARENTS in tow for my new home. Five hours later, we arrive in the Valley. Found a WONDERFUL, HOT, (never hurts,pain managment, you know) doctor, foot and ankle specialist to fix the foot. June 29th!!, needless to say I spent the summer cooped up in the house, getting FAT, with 3 NEW screws in my foot. Thanks to my wonderful parents, we got our house in order, and I got taxi'd to my appointments.

Fast forward to January 29, husband gets laid of from his job, permanently.
It is now September 27th, 2009, my husband is still looking for a job, I work for a temp service.

That folks is how I got here. Stay tuned for a less long winded post, and a contest coming on Monday!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Children

This is my daughter, "A". She wears her heart on her sleeve, and will do anything for anyone. A second year college student, although first year away from home.

My Children

This is my son "J and his girlfriend "A" . J is a college freshman, wanting to be a Phys-Ed teacher. A kid who is very opinionated, and strong willed. My firstborn.

Let Me Introduce Myself

Here is where I let you meet most of my wonderful, semi-dysfunctional family, and learn a little bit about me.

This is my husband "J" and I at Palo Dura Canyon in April. The picture on the left above is one of my Mom and Dad.

Just a few quick thoughts...I can't even get a counter added..still feeling cruddy.
It's amazing what a support system has been built over at OHIH!! You girls are AWESOME, everylast one of you!! LOL 4 followers already and I got nuttin' to share til I feel better! Just know you girls ROCK!! Can't wait for my ads to go up. We sure could use it around here. More on that later.

The beginning....

We'll see if I can master the fine art of blogging.